VINCI School targets the brightest students with the highest potential to excel. These special students are generally under served in traditional public or private schools. VINCI School?s mission is to offer a world of limitless opportunities to these students, as they prepare for tomorrow?s competitive world.
VINCI School employs proven elements from the best teaching practices world-wide, blended to create the perfect learning pedagogy for bright children. The school provides a technology-enabled, Reggio-inspired, Montessori learning environment to ensure that its students master the 21st century skills of analysing, evaluating, problem solving planning and creating- skills critically important to a child's success in our globally competitive world.
Montessori teaching has been time-tested for its effectiveness in studying process oriented subjects such as Math. Whereas, the Reggio style relies on a supportive environment where children are encouraged to be creative, collaborative and self-discover; an excellent methodology for teaching subjects such as social studies, science, and language arts. Combined, they provide the best pedagogy for developing young, bright minds.